23 Minute Guided Quantum Why Meditation
The Quantum Why Meditation is the blueprint for discovering another level of self-greatness and awareness. This meditation quantum aligns the purpose behind your surface wants, desires, and actions. Achieving your goals now comes with ease and grace because you’ve discovered the strong purpose behind your manifestations.
This meditation is essential before quantum jumping. It was created for those who want to be the best at whatever they do by deep diving into their purpose.
TQWM is and can be utilized for every aspect of your life from businesses, partnerships, family affairs, relationships, eating habits, etc. These next 23 minutes will unearth your limiting beliefs and change your perception to drive home your Quantum Why so that you become unstoppable in your evolution of self.
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." – Mark Twain
All content, audio, downloads and material on shamandao.com are subjected to the soul/spirit principle foundation of the Universal law of cause and effect also known as karma. No person or entity may distribute, publish, copy any content from shamandao.com with ill intent. By downloading this meditation, I adhere to an accelerated version of the Universal law of cause and effect.
© Copyright: Shaman Dao
The Quantum Why Meditation is the blueprint for discovering another level of self-greatness and awareness. This meditation quantum aligns the purpose behind your surface wants, desires, and actions. Achieving your goals now comes with ease and grace because you’ve discovered the strong purpose behind your manifestations.
This meditation is essential before quantum jumping. It was created for those who want to be the best at whatever they do by deep diving into their purpose.
TQWM is and can be utilized for every aspect of your life from businesses, partnerships, family affairs, relationships, eating habits, etc. These next 23 minutes will unearth your limiting beliefs and change your perception to drive home your Quantum Why so that you become unstoppable in your evolution of self.
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." – Mark Twain
All content, audio, downloads and material on shamandao.com are subjected to the soul/spirit principle foundation of the Universal law of cause and effect also known as karma. No person or entity may distribute, publish, copy any content from shamandao.com with ill intent. By downloading this meditation, I adhere to an accelerated version of the Universal law of cause and effect.
© Copyright: Shaman Dao
The Quantum Why Meditation is the blueprint for discovering another level of self-greatness and awareness. This meditation quantum aligns the purpose behind your surface wants, desires, and actions. Achieving your goals now comes with ease and grace because you’ve discovered the strong purpose behind your manifestations.
This meditation is essential before quantum jumping. It was created for those who want to be the best at whatever they do by deep diving into their purpose.
TQWM is and can be utilized for every aspect of your life from businesses, partnerships, family affairs, relationships, eating habits, etc. These next 23 minutes will unearth your limiting beliefs and change your perception to drive home your Quantum Why so that you become unstoppable in your evolution of self.
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." – Mark Twain
All content, audio, downloads and material on shamandao.com are subjected to the soul/spirit principle foundation of the Universal law of cause and effect also known as karma. No person or entity may distribute, publish, copy any content from shamandao.com with ill intent. By downloading this meditation, I adhere to an accelerated version of the Universal law of cause and effect.
© Copyright: Shaman Dao